
year, and my face will be completely free of hair. One big problem is my nails. I have thin, split ones and I'm always trying new ways to have nice looking ones. I'm now taking geletin but as yet, haven't noticed any improvement.

I work very hard at being a woman and to me, it's probably half the fun. I live to improve myself and see the changes taking place. I believe in acting gracefully, but not overly feminine when I am Diana, The next time you take a drink of water, how do you go about it, like a woman or man? And table manners are so very noticable, as a man or a woman, do you pay any particular attention to them? You can also practice a great deal of voice control and no one will suspect a thing. loud. And what about ings speak too fast?

Tone it down if you're too diction, do you chop off end- How do you sit, at least half way decently? Well, Diana does all these things, and many more. One last addition to this topic. Those of you, not versed in all the above, please, please, don't try and go out in public until you are. If you can't take this advice, then just drive right to the nearest police station and get it over with, because you'll surely end up there in the long run. Try and make this comparison. If TVism were golf, what kind of handicap would you have? If you are brand new at dressing




no experience to speak figure that you are shooting in the low hundreds and as you improve, your handicap gets lower.

low hundreds would give you about 30, middle 90's about 25 and so on. I figure that I'm about a 12. I think that I will be able to lower it to about an 8 or 9 before the end of the year. If you get the idea that I like golf, you're right. I hope to be able, by next year, to get the utmost enjoyment from it. I'm going to try it in a skirt. That should make a wonderful story!

I haven't had very much contact with other TV's but what I have had, has been a little bit of a shock to me. At least half of them are simply men, wearing